The Path of no Resistance
Garret Kramer is a consultant, columnist, keynote speaker and the founder of Inner Sports, a company that transforms the way players, coaches, pro teams and even parents understand sports.
In the book The Path of No Resistance: why overcoming is simpler than you think, Kramer unveils the inside-out paradigm, a brand-new look at how we can overcome adversity, both in the playing field and at life.
The author argues that it's our thoughts that create most of our troubles on the first place, not and external -and somewhat neutral- event from the outside. The thought is like the brush with which we paint the external circumstance, not the other way around.
Knowing that, we can choose to not interact with certain thoughtsthat trigger unwanted feelings.
This groundbreaking book also contains pearls of wisdom such as:
-- In sports, players don't have to think they can win; instead they have to be able to win, no matter what they are thinking.
-- If external results -like awards or being admired- matter to you more than the overall experience of being alive, both areas will suffer.
-- Low moods are short lived. If we don't fuel them with more thinking, our mind tends to "self correct" by default and comes back to relaxed moods.
-- If winning is what you're after, you'll lose 100% of the time.
-- Respectful competition often leads to success because both sides are working together - in different teams- to expand their capabilities and become better players.
And what's perhaps the most important quote of the whole book:
-- We tend to forget that our troubles are caused by our thinking, so we use our thinking to solve them, causing even more troubles. The trick is to step aside and let them fade, avoiding too much overthinking.
Conducted by X.P.